Managing jobs so that they only ran on the primary or secondary replicas as required was something we desperately needed before we could migrate, this was due to a fairly large number of processing jobs that run on various schedules.
SQL Server manage jobs exactly the same as SQL logins in terms of they are not transferred or maintained through AlwaysOn as they are at instance level not DB level.
To get around this issue we decided to expand the failover detection method in my first post to also do a quick scan and set enabled/disabled on jobs as required.
To do this we added a new table to our management database as follows
We then expanded the failover stored procedure to cycle through the table and enable / disable each job based on the 3 flags, using a cursor based approach
DECLARE enablejobs CURSOR local forward_only FOR
SELECT [job name], job_id,
WHEN JS.[enabled] = 1
AND JS.onsecondary = 1 THEN 1
END AS ToEnable
FROM [dbo].[tbljobstates] JS
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs
ON NAME = [job name]
OPEN enablejobs
FETCH next FROM enablejobs INTO @JobName, @jobID, @Enable
SET @jobID= (SELECT job_id
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs
WHERE NAME = @JobName)
PRINT @JobName
PRINT 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id='
+ Cast(@jobID AS CHAR(36)) + ',@enabled='
+ Cast (@Enable AS CHAR(1))
FETCH next FROM enablejobs INTO @JobName, @jobID, @Enable
CLOSE enablejobs
DEALLOCATE enablejobs
We also decided that all jobs should only be created/edited on a particular replica - one we called HA1 and created a simple SSIS package to transfer jobs from the primary job box to each secondary on a nightly basis. Not the most efficient , but effective.
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