Thursday 30 April 2015

SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn - Tracking Primary Replica

As I've mentioned I'm what could be called an accidental DBA, and I have recently had the chance to work with AlwaysOn.

One of the things I had problems with was job synchronisation, to this end I came up with a rather odd method of ensuring that scheduled jobs were run on the boxes that we needed them running on even after fail-overs. Lots of posts suggested altering every job to determine whether it needed to run within the first step, but with others writing jobs and approximately 100 to be moved across I felt this was impractical.

But, first I needed to know when a fail-over occurred and also enable or disable jobs as necessary when that happened - preferably with the minimum amount of effort on my part!!!

To do this I created a new administration database and added it to the availability group,  then I created a table for tracking the primary replica.
With this I approached the somewhat more awkward thought of how quickly did we need to be able to identify a fail-over for job purposes, after a lot of discussion with members of the company, it was decided that a 5 minute notification period would be ok.

Next to create a SProc that would check, now I imagine plenty of people will pick holes with this , and please do I always want to improve it

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Checkagstate
DECLARE @LastPrimary VARCHAR(80)
DECLARE @CurrentPrimary VARCHAR(80)


SELECT TOP 1 @LastPrimary = primaryagserver FROM tblagstate ORDER BY id DESC

SELECT @CurrentPrimary= primary_replica FROM sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states WHERE group_id = (SELECT group_id FROM sys.availability_groups WHERE NAME = '<Availability Group Name Here>')

IF (((@LastPrimary <> @CurrentPrimary) AND (@CurrentPrimary = @@SERVERNAME)))
      INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblagstate] ([primaryagserver],[changenoted])
             VALUES (@CurrentPrimary   ,Getdate())

Then I added a job to both replicas scheduled for 5 minute intervals. now I know 'roughly' when fail overs have occurred

I'll cover how I expanded on this approach to do job and user management in my next posts! Probably in a day or two

User Management

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Well it's got to start somewhere...

First post!...enough of the Slashdot approach.

This is going to be my semi-regular blog of "Life and Dev".

Some background, I'm a software developer / accidental DBA, but that's not all there is, no one is just their job (hopefully anyway). So I'll be putting up anything I think is interesting, from technology related bits to life related bobs.

I hope that something in all this will be interesting or useful to someone.

I'll be hoping to add one or two posts a month to start, hopefully ramping up a little as I get more used to writing.

If you ever want to contact me for advice, you can reach me at and I'll endeavour to get  back to you as soon as possible.