Monday 16 October 2017

ApexSQL Tools

Just a short one here, a couple of year ago I was given a years support license for all of ApexSQL's tools....

Some never saw the light of day, that was just down to what I needed, but others were heavily used, a few of my favourites included:

ApexSQL Diff / Data Diff - a complementary pair of tools with such a broad scope of use, Diff can compare the structure and objects of a database, against another database and produce synchronisation scripts to bring both to the same. Whilst Data Diff is similar in principle but compares rows in tables, and again allows you to synchronise them as required.

ApexSQL Trigger - Data auditing gone wild .... will create triggers to gather all data changes against 1 or more tables, absolutely fabulous and with a bit of tweaking I can store audits for tables that change structure without really worrying either.

ApexSQL Doc -A nice tool, generates some very detailed documentation on which ever databases you point it at. With a bit of command line work you can even automate it to re-generate the documentation on a regular basis to pick up any changes that have been made

These few tools alone have saved me so much time and pain, even with out the others.

So, Good Job ApexSQL!